19 years ago in 1990...

1990-1991 were very creative...for me
Kates Millinery was a dream for young milliner.
A two floors millinery of 50,000 ft/sq downtown Montreal....
with a payroll of 50 workers full time until 1992 when they close...
The manufacture with a stock room of archives from the Sixties. Flowers,ribbons,trimmings,bodies,fabrics,veiling,feathers,braids.
They had more than 1000 woodblocks and 100 Aluminium stomper dyies....
who where blocked 600 hats per day...
On "wood" a hand blocker had to make at least
7 to 8 dozen a day ....
When i start to learn handblocking 6 months after i got a Bursting of a dorsal synovial cyst of the wist.....and had to get a surgery.

One day when we were in New York with Irving Kates ...he told me ...it's too bad but you should have been born 15 yrs before and you would have been a renowned milliner...and he says to me however you talented and you can get the best block ...if they don't wear hats anymore...its no worth it.
We'll never get back on their head even if they were bold...they would wear a wig....1990 I was 25 years old...

Between 1988 and 1991 at Kates Millinery as house designer and with my own collection for Kates...I design around 2500 hats and hand made around 400 Hats...
We probably less than 2 pairs of handfull real milliner's who can applies art of millinery from blocking hats from straw to fur hats and to sewn straw braid....
Handskilled since 20 years...

Mange des tomates , mon amour.

Mange des tomates, mon amour par Jack Ary
Paroles et Musique: Frank Barcellini, Pierre Cour 1958

Toc toc toc toc toc
- Entrez !
- Un conseil, Madame ; un conseil, Monsieur
Mangez sain, mangez frais, mangez ... des tomates !

Mange des tomates, mon amour
Mange des tomates, nuit et jour
Ça donne bonne mine
C'est plein de vitamines
Vitamines A, B, C
C'est bon pour la santé

Les acrobates, les pêcheurs,
Les diplomates, les boxeurs
Délaissent les patates
Pour ce fruit écarlate
La tomate en salade
Ou tomate farcie

À l'opéra, en chantant la Tosca
Un grand ténor ayant manqué le "la"
En reçut ce soir-là
Des tas, des tas, des tas
Sa femme, en sortant de là, le consola

Le président dînant à l'Élysée
En compagnie du roi du Zimbabwe
Lui offrit en entrée
Ce beau fruit bien français
Et son invité en fut tout étonné

Le diable, un jour,
Parlant à la radio
Fit un discours
Commençant par ces mots
"Supprimons la bombe A
Supprimons-la la la
Et remplaçons-la par ce fruit délicat"

Mange des tomates, mon amour
Mange des tomates, nuit et jour
À l'atome qui éclate
Préférons les tomates
Les tomates, ça fait mal quand ça tombe sur le nez
Oui mais quand on les mange
C'est bon pour la santé

Mange des tomates, mon amour
Mange des tomates, mon amour