With 8 sewings machines on the floors:
1 coverseam , 2 overlocks ( 3,4 threads) , 1 zig zag , 2 singles needles( 1 lock stitch 1 single feed)
2 Bulasky single ,1 Bulasky zig zag, 2 Willcox model 400 for straw ,2 Singer cap machine single stitches ,1 Chandler pink sharp cutter,1 Allbook & Hashfield fur machine .
33 woods blocks from La Forme only ,
The heat and steam section : 1 reliable jiffy,1 reliable 500 press station , 1 aluminum hot head, 1 electric hat stretcher,2 antique wooden stretcher,
An Anderson blocking plot articulate at 180°.
This is my personal atelier , i work and produce anything from my own hands as a artisan and a artist .
The quality have remain since 25 yrs my first priority to keep my crafts as much as durable and creative .